Twin Flame Journey: 7 Stages Unveiling the Hidden Truths Every Runner & Chaser Should Know!

Twin Flame Journey: 7 Stages Unveiling the Hidden Truths Every Runner & Chaser Should Know!

Hello, Gorgeous Souls, This is Rochelle, and Welcome to the DIY Affiliate’s Collective Soul Journey Awakening in the Age of Aquarius New World A channel to help the collective gain knowledge and raise awareness towards Ascension.

I have recently gone through an Awakening and Discovered My Soul Journey. This Community is for people to post knowledge about their Soul Journey and help to wake up the collective. become a Divine Feminine or Divine Masculine. Find your Twin flame or your soulmate if you resonate with the Gift of Awakening to become a more Powerful Soul With A Purpose and plan to help the collective of souls that are struggling with their own awakening and spiritual transformation and growth.

I am grateful to share my knowledge with you. and I give my talents happily and freely.

Everything that I am about to teach to you is from my own experience and doing tons of research to discern what is relevant and will help the collective souls in search of this knowledge. I am awake now on my soul journey alone normally a soul journey is with two people a divine feminine and a divine masculine (Which only means souls that have gone through an awakening and discovered self love unconditional love and Purpose in their life)

Are You A Twin Flame? Do You Have A Twin Or do You Just see this for the first time? And Do You think You Might Have A Twin Flame? Let Me Know In The Comments Below. Any information you would like to share with the collective watching this video.

In the following video, I am talking to you about Soul Contracts Twin Flames Definition Meaning An Awakening to a Twin Flames Life Path? The Purpose Of Twin Flames, A Brief Overview Of The Stages, and a visual stimulation video for you and your twin flame.

This video is long, but you will find the timestamps of moments in which you can jump to get the information that are searching for.

If You Are New To My Videos Then Please Click On The Subscription Button And Ding That Notification Bell So You’ll Be Notified Of All New Content That I Will Be Posting If You Are Seeing 11 11 That Is A Message From Your Higher Self To Your Lower Self To Wake Up And To Be Aware Of Something That The Spirit Is Trying To Tell You

If you are awakening to a twin flame connection, you are in for a roller coaster ride and one that will never be forgotten. You may try and your twin flame may try but energetically and telepathically you are connected in a special place in the 5D Universe.

Now you have heard about Awakening but what is it really What is an Awakening I created a video just for you it is the six stages of Awakening in the age of Aquarius you can find it at the top right-hand corner of this video.

Are you feeling shaken up but aware of something.? Maybe Awake. Be Even awake. Wanting to be awake. Unsure about what you are feeling for someone and why you are feeling it.

If this is the knowledge that your soul is looking for then this video is for you.

What is a Twin flame?

twin flame journey one soul splits in two

A twin flame. Is where the soul. Reaches. The highest point in its evolution or ascension. The soul has decided to Incarnate back on the Earth to help the collective energies evolve and shift into the New Earth Energy of 5D. But because it is at its highest point of evolution in Ascension. The soul splits itself in two. To Incarnate into two bodies. This creates a soul contract with the two parts that they will meet and discover their soul journey together to help the Earth and the Collective Energies

What is A Soul Contract is there more than one type?

soul contracts soulmate karmic false twin flame twin flame

Twin Flame connection it is important to understand what a Soul Contract Is?

Every soul comes into this life with pre-determined soul contracts. A soul contract is the agreement between two souls or twin souls to meet again in the next lifetime. The premise of each contract differs, therefore creating distinct types of “soulmates”. There are three distinct soul contracts — karmic, soulmate, and twin flame. In which I will talk about Soul Contracts.

The difference between a soulmate Twin Flame

different soulmates twin flame soulmates

What is the Difference between a Soulmate and a Twin Flame

A Soulmate Relationship, A Twin Flame Is A Form Of Soul Connection. You may be more familiar with the word Soulmate.

Here is the main difference We Can Have Many Different Soulmates, And Often Do. Our soulmates Can Be Romantic or Platonic or even family members. Soul Mates Can Come In And Out Of Our Lives But Are Always Connected To Us In Some Way.

When It Comes To Twin Flames, We Only Have One But Our Twin Flame Is Our Same Soul Heart. Twin Flames share, what is Called A core soul frequency, or some refer to it as their song of, A Shared Energetic Frequency. That creates Space for only the two halves of the soul to exist energetically and powerfully in the Universe.

Twin flame relationships have a higher purpose: they are designed to enable deep individual healing and spiritual growth while patterning the unconditional love that forges a pathway to help awaken and heal the collective energies as we make the shift from the 3D to the 5D.

It is important to remember that it does not matter the age difference or cultural differences or any other 3D differences if this person is truly your twin flame you will know immediately and you are in for the ride of your life, Just like the awakening and the six stages of awakening you are in for a roller coaster ride and one that will never be forgotten. You may try and your twin flame may try but energetically and telepathically you are connected in a special place in the 5D Universe.

You will start to feel energy more than you ever have in your life. The energy will be intensely pulling at you especially when your twin flame is awakening and facing trials and tribulations in their 3D Life. You can feel each other’s energy in a higher and more powerful way than with anyone else before.

Did You Meet Your Twin Flame and how did you feel?

Did you feel When you met this person for the first time when you looked into their eyes did you feel something intense very deep a feeling or a knowing Hey I know this person that is because your twin flame is a part of a high energetic enlightened soul split in two bodies.

What happens when twin flames do not recognize each other?

Sometimes twin flames do not recognize each other at once, but once they acknowledge their connection, there is a sense of safety, completeness, and unity unmatched by any other relationship, even a soul mate relationship. They feel at home and completely at ease.

From my understanding through my own experience and other research and knowledge, there is several stages that twin flames go through and this is the Next Topic

The Seven Stages of A Twin Flame Journey I am going explain the stages and use the Tarot Card Energy that resonates with the Part of the Journey and Stage You are In.

Seven Major Twin Flame Stages

Stage One — Looking Searching and Needing to find the perfect mate ‘the One.’

You have this strange sensation that someone who is “out there,” but you don’t quite know where or when they will appear in your life. It may be at a time that you do not even know what a twin flame is, but you just want it to appear and make your life complete.

“You are complete but may have to heal past traumas to be whole” Learn how to love yourself and unconditional love becoming self-aware, discovering Ancient Knowledge, and Understanding”?

You may not realize it at the time, but you are preparing for the arrival of your twin flame, and this is on the unconscious level.

Stage Two — Meeting or Seeing your twin flame at some point in your life. Having dreams or seeing synchronicities in Angel Numbers and asking deeper observational questions. This is the Conjuncture of time a combination of circumstances or events usually producing a crisis What is a synonym for conjuncture?

Predicament or crossroads.

What is the opposite of conjuncture?

Opposite of the act of joining, or the condition of being. divergence. antagonism. detachment. disagreement.

Remember that the one soul is in two bodies has agreed to as a soul contract and a meeting currently.

This is Part of the Awakening to Your Twin Flame.

Now you have feelings of love, and it is profound. You feel wonderful. Sometimes a little bit of anxiety. And intoxication. For some, there may be a. Sense. An intense sense of curiosity and a desire to know the person better. You do not know what it is exactly, but this person is extremely special. you may even sense that this person will play an immensely key role in your life, and this is magical, and all the pieces are falling into place. All the Seven chakra energy systems are activated and come online.

Your awakening is also triggering your twin flame as both the masculine and the feminine energies are connected to both. We have both masculine and feminine energies in our part of our soul. In a twin flame, it is usually referred to as a Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine as part of the One Soul that is Split into two bodies

Twin Flame relationships have a higher purpose. And this is only the beginning of your Twin Flame journey.

Now you are in for the ride of your life, and even though you may try or, your Twin Flame will try to forget the connection. You are now energetically and telepathically meeting in the 5D Universe. Your intuition is getting stronger.

You will start to feel energy more than you ever have in your life. The energy will be intensely pulling at you especially when your twin flame is awakening and facing trials and tribulations in their 3D Life. You can feel each other energy at a higher and more powerful than with anyone before.

Stage Three — Falling in Love Two of Cups in Tarot in the upright

Partnerships, Unity, love, compatibility, happy couples, potential soulmates, relationships, harmony, balance, equality, attraction, connection, proposals, engagements, marriage, 
 When you surrender to your feelings then you fall hard, harder than you ever felt in your life, and also something that impacts your life. You can lose your breath or feel the butterflies. As you get to know your twin flame better, you will fall increasingly deeply in love with them. You feel like you are drifting on a cloud nine. You might feel disorientated, lovesick, and “unlike yourself.” You may even try to resist the attraction, but eventually, you will accept the reality that you are deeply and madly in love. (You can also have those feelings for soul mates and karmic energies)

Also, Part of Stage Three — The Fairy-Tale Relationship The Lovers Card Energy in the Tarot upright and the two of cups

lovers tarot card
two of cups

Major choices, love, soulmates, kindred, spirits, perfect unions, partnerships, relationships, romance, desire. Sexual connections, shared principles moral code
 As both of you eventually make your feelings known and enter a relationship, life will feel like a fairy tale. Your relationship with them will be perfect in every conceivable way. It will seem as though your twin flame fulfills every single need you have and everything you ever possibly wanted.

Stage Four — The Devil Tarot Energy Card Nine of Swords Tarot Card Energy in the Upright.

devil energy tarot card

I am not reading the description because I am not comfortable with putting this knowledge out to the Universe.
 The 9 of swords. Tarot card energy in the upright. Fear, anxiety, terror common negativity comments deep unhappiness, stress, burden, etc. I do not like these negative words. 
 Twin flames trigger each other, and bring sides of our life that are hidden in the shadow (those parts of ourselves that we refuse to recognize and do not want to take ownership of and heal ourselves into the open. 
 So, if you have abandonment issues from childhood that may have manifested in codependence, your twin flame will be independent and self-governing, triggering your abandonment issues and bringing them to the surface for healing.
 Because Remember Part of the Twin Flame Journey is Healing and ascension.

Just Like part of the awakening in which the soul brings everything up to be healed in this lifetime and can also unveil past lifetime traumas.
 In your relationship suddenly there are differences in opinions, tastes, likes, and personalities appear, These old core wounds come to the surface. Because the twin flames’ souls split into two shares and mirror our deepest needs, desires, and dreams, they also mirror our shadow selves.

For example, if you are an emotionally repressed person, and slow to anger your twin flame will likely be emotionally explosive and quick tempered.
 If you tend to be quiet and low quick-tempered, your twin flame will most likely be and outspoken and loud.
 In this way our twin flames challenge us, aggravating our insecurities. This can be antagonizing, destructive, and very painful.
 While all the arguing and fighting in this stage may seem cataclysmic, the truth is that it is necessary for our growth. Without being aggravated, by our mirror side 
 If we can not see ourselves for who we are we are not awake and still living in an illusion no change we are failing to grow in knowledge and Awareness food for our soul
 This is very hard and will create turbulence in your relationship everything is falling apart.

Five — The Runner and Chaser

twin flame runner

The Runner Eight of Swords card feeling trapped hands tied restricted victimized paralyzed by fear hopelessness etc.

In this stage, the Runner often is the more wounded “younger” soul, unhealed and intimidated by higher levels of spirituality. 
 How does the twin flame runner feel about the chaser?
 The runner Twin Flame thinks of the chaser all the time, each day that passes. Running from the physical 3D aspect of the Twin Flame journey does not change how you feel for each other. The Twin Flame encounter upsets the balance in your energy on both sides.

Separation is necessary. To this contract. It may seem strange. But one or both twin flames? Cannot handle the magnitude of love or unconditional love that one gives. And this is because something is not healed yet. In that part of the soul. To heal the separation is needed. Even. If. There is a separation. The Twin Flames will continue to mirror each other. And begin to heal. Any type of emotional wound. They both heal. On their timelines. During this separation. Some barriers are put up. Such as karmic partners. Which are sent into their lives to keep the twin flames apart. And to teach. that part of. The Twin Flame is a lesson to help them heal and release the karma that is built up from this lifetime and past lifetimes.
 So now the question is, how long does this separation take? And it could be a case of. Coming together and separating again. Coming together and separating again. Until both parts of the soul are healed.
 The Twin Flame Journey. Is not a toxic.Contract. But it is a hard contract. And there will be many barriers to overcome.
 OK, so this is where we get into the runner.

The relationship progresses and many tensions appear in their lives. It is quite common for one partner or sometimes both. Too emotionally? Or physically Withdraw. Or run away. This is referred to as the runner. It can be compared to a cat-and-mouse game. That sometimes involves emotional shutdown. Or silent treatments. Other times. It can be a permanent termination of the relationship. If this happens. The relationship. Will not last. It will either be strengthened, or it will fall to pieces.
 This will depend on each of the One Soul’s 2 Halves. Now, this will depend on. The individual. Person. And what level? They are in their ascension. Now, twin flames can be confused sometimes, because sometimes one partner will leave. For years. And then for some reason return and start the cycle over again.
 The. chaser,

the chaser twin flame journey

How does a Twin Flame Chaser act?
 As the chaser, you do not care if your twin flame has a lot of warning signals. You are not even discouraged by the fact that they have run back to their ex or family. You have a lot of faith in them, and you know in your heart that they will come back to you. In other words, you have a determined belief in your twin-flame relationship
 Chaser Soul Maturity Level
 The chaser tends to be the more mentally and emotionally mature partner of the two.
 Stage Six — Surrender and Dissolution Nine of Swords Tarot Card energy to the Four of Wands Tarot Energy

Stage Six Four of Wands Tarot in the upright
 The Four of Wands Card energy in the tarot. Happy family reunion. Coming home. Celebration surprises. Parties. Weddings. Events. Feeling welcome. Community or family coming together. Community spirit, teamwork, and success.

The shadow self and the wounds and insecurities have been exposed you may have been a chaser or a runner. Here you may experience a period of surrender. This is after Once the shadows of your relationship have been revealed, After so much misery distress and provocation, you both begin to open up about your wounds and insecurities and start to heal.

In this opening up is, letting go of your ego and allowing your soul to expand. As the ego is less in power all the social programming and lessons we have learned from childhood and about nature and spirituality are more influenced by intuition and mindfulness and soul expansion
 As you begin learning how to work through your differences, the maturity of your relationship deepens and becomes stronger.

It is common to go through stages five and six many times throughout your relationship.

Stage Seven — Oneness The lovers in the upright

The lover’s tarot card energy. Major choices, love, soulmates, kindred, spirits, perfect unions, partnerships, relationships, romance, desire. Intimate Connections shared values.
 As the problems in your relationship become increasingly easy to deal with, you will enter a period of soul reunion. In stage 7 it is common for you to both find a shared meaning, passion, or because that brings you a mutual sense of fulfillment.

As you come into union you both will have the divine inspiration to grow and become the best version possible that each of you can be. There has been a transformation and parts of the One Soul have grown. Now the two of you together can ignite untapped potential and passion to help the collective in the planetary accession in the age of Aquarius. Forgiveness understanding empathy and patience are learned and you remember and gain knowledge of the soul contract and your twin soul journey together. how to grow together as One Soul no longer mirrors each other but in a harmonious relationship with unconditional love.
 The twin flames become expert manifesters noticeably confident in using all of their skills to Co create with the universe., their energy. Their intelligence Their heart? Other emotions. Everything is aligning. So they are interacting with the universe and being a power couple.
 Having unconditional love for one another and the collective helps humankind shift into the 5D
 Twin Flames Are Called For A Collective Purpose To Elevate Collective Consciousness In 
 Through Some Shared Purpose. Through This They Directly Help Humanity Or Consciousness, Collective Consciousness, To Wake Up To Their True Potential

So, we are talking about 3D our dense reality to 5 D so what had happened to 4 D
 What is the 4th dimension in life?

The spiritual world is the world of the fourth dimension.
 We are trapped in the physical third dimension because we live in physical bodies. We are powerhouses of unlimited power when we live in the fourth dimension, 
 As we grow in awareness, we begin to touch the fourth dimension, the inner reality. While this happens, the other three aspects, the mind, the body, and the external world, do not disappear We learn how to manage our energy and expand our consciousness more and more,
 Is there a 4th dimension in existence?
 There is a fourth dimension: time; we move through that just as inevitably as we move through space, and via the rules of Einstein’s relativity, our motion through space and time are inextricable from one another.

In spirituality…. Time does not exist. I can be anywhere in past lives, present, in an unknown reality.
 Our thoughts actions, words, intentions create reality multiple timelines or parallel dimensions are created. Anything and Anybody can energetically affect your life
 What is 5D in spirituality.

The fifth dimension is a superconscious area of clear white light, of simultaneous knowledge, insight, and intuition, of all forms in time and space, and of divine consciousness in the universe.
 The fifth dimension cannot be seen physically or tangibly, but it exists outside of the average human’s sight.
 . I Know Many Of You Will Wonder If All Twin Flames Reach Reunion In The In This life Time. It Truly Depends On The Awareness Of The Twin Flame Of The Circumstances Of Their Connection. All Twin Flames Are Destined Could Reach Union Reunion In This Lifetime, Yes, But We Do Have Free Will. Although You Will Always Be Connected To Your Twin Flame In This Life And The Next And The Next Lifetime After That, It’s Up To You To Choose

Fluid Stimulation Twin Flame Video where I use the ancient solfeggio tones and frequencies of 432 hertz and 639 to open up the heart chakra increase your intuition and help guide you through your own Twin Flame Story

Thank you for being part of my journey and if you have anything you would like to share with the collective then please leave your message in the comments.
 Let us all work together to create a community of like-minded people who are willing and able to help each other with a shared goal of raising our awareness making the shift from 3D to 4D to 5D and starting on our soul journey together.
